Richard Yang


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Distributed Systems and Algorithms

My notes for the fall 2024 CS:5620 class at the University of Iowa.

Week 1

What are some examples of distributed systems?

Our goal is to design efficient and reliable distributed systems.

Three stages of distributed systems:

This course will focus on the latter two stages.


Consider a chain of n machines, connected with bidirectional communication links. Each machine has an unique ID from the set {0,1,…,n-1}. Assume that these are assigned adversarily - worst case for any algorithm we decide to implement. Our goal: design an algorithm that runs as fast as possible and computes a proper coloring of the machines that uses as few colors as possible.

What is a proper coloring?

A proper coloring is a function P: {0,1,…,n-1} -> {0,1,…,k-1}, such that for two adjacent machines m and m’, P(m) =/= P(m’).

Our goal is to minimize k, while still running the algorithm as fast as possible.

What does fast mean?

We need a model of computation: LOCAL

The goal is to have the algorithm execute in as few rounds as possible.

Possible heuristics

N colors

If each machine gives itself a color equal to its id, it’s a valid proper coloring. This is instant, but not very useful as an algorithm

2 colors

Start from leftmost machine, give it color 0. Then iterate through chain, alternating between 1 and 0. Issues:

Higher ID

Often, we don’t want neighbors to do the same thing

Heuristic: if my ID is higher than that of all my neighbors, I can choose color

Example: 2 - 1 - 4 - 0 - 3

2, 4, and 3 are higher than neighbors, and choose color 0 they then go idle

1 and 0 are left, and have no active neighbors

they choose lowest color now available, 1


Some pseudocode for this algorithm:

active = true
color = undef
active1 = true, active2 = true
color1 = undef, color2 = undef

send ID to neighbors

while active
    find out (active, color) values of neighbors
    respond to requests from neighbors
    if myID > IDs of all active neighbors
        color = smallest color available (considering color of neighbors)
        active = false

Requires theta(n) in worst case, uses three colors

Cole & Vishkin Algorithm

There is an algorithm that solves the problem in log* n + 3 iterations!

A result from Linial: no algorithm that solves in fewer than 1/2 log* n iterations

What is log* n?

We will assume that log means the base-2 log. Let log^(i) x = log(log(log…x)), that is, applying the log i times. log* x is smallest i such that log^(i) x is less than or equal to 1.

Cole-Vishkin Iteration

Assumption: machines have a consistent sense of direction, i.e., know what is the right and left.

Suppose we have machine m, and its successor, succ(m). Initially, set the color equal to the machine ID. Compare the color of m and succ(m), as written in binary. Find the index of the rightmost digit that differs. Machine m sets its new color as this index, concatenated with the differing bit.

For example: ID(m) = 259 and ID(succ(m)) = 675.

Overall idea of the algorithm:

What do we do for the rightmost machine without a successor?

This machine pretends it has a successor whose color differs from it in the rightmost bit.

Proving Correctness

Let P_old be a proper coloring of the machines. P_new is obtained from P_old via a Cole-Vishkin iteration. Then P_new is a proper coloring.

Proof: Suppose we do have two adjacent colors that are the same in P_new: color(m) and color(m’). So m differs from m’ at index k and has differing bit l. So P_new(m) = 2k + l. m’ differs from its successor, m’’, also at index k and has the same differing bit l. However, this means that m and m’ don’t have differing bits at index k. This is a contradiction! So it is impossible for two adjacent colors to be the same in P_new, and thus P_new is a proper coloring.

Proving that Pallete Size Reduces Quickly

First, a note: the algorithm assumes each machine knows how many machines there are in total.

Let m = log* n. Our condition is that m >=4. (Otherwise, n<=16 and it is a separate case.) For integer i, 0 <= i <= m-3, after i iterations of Cole-Vishkin, pallete size is at most 4 log^(i) n.

Proof: Suppose pallete size is k. We use at most ceiling(log k) bits to represent the color; this is the number of possible indices. There are two possible values of the differing bit. So in total, after we perform the iteration, there will be 2 * ceiling(log k) colors.

We will proceed by induction.

Why can we only reduce pallete size to 6?

Consider the color 101. If the color of its successor is 001, then its new color will remain 101. Thus, the pallete stops shrinking.

Week 2

Finishing Up Cole-Vishkin for Oriented Paths

Lemma: if m>=4, after m iterations, pallete size <= 6

Proof: after m-3 iterations, size < 4 log^(m-3) n < 64. After applying another iteration, the pallete size is bound by 2 log 64 = 12, then 2 log 12 = 8, then 2 log 8 = 6.

Slow Iterations

All machines with color 5 recolor themselves with the smallest available color. Repeat for colors 4 and 3, and we are done.

Extending to Oriented Trees

An oriented tree is a tree (connected acyclic graph with no cycle) where each node knows its parent.

Lemma: there is an algorithm that can 6-color an oriented tree in log * n rounds. This is easy, Cole-Vishkin still works.

How do we reduce to 3 colors from here? Slow Iteration

To remove color 5:


If the network has n modes, IDs are represented using ceiling(c log n) bits for a constant c >=1.

The CONGEST model is exactly the same as the LOCAL model, except now we impose a limit on the size of one message; essentially, it can contain O(1) IDs.

T-hop neighborhood The T-hop neighborhood of a node is the subgraph of nodes with distance less than or equal to T. Suppose we run an algorithm that takes T rounds on a graph. Suppose we change the ID of a node outside the T-hop neighborhood of v. Then the output at v cannot be different, because information can only propagate a distance of T during the execution of the algorithm.

Triangle Counting Problem Every node should know how many triangles are in its neighborhood (nodes it is connected to.)

In the LOCAL model, this is easy.

In the CONGEST model, we can’t send the list of neighbors in a single message. So the maximum runtime depends on the max degree of the network.

Extending Cole-Vishkin to general graphs

Our goal is to find a delta+1 coloring; delta is the max degree.

Outline of process:


View each edge as oriented from lower to higher ID. (So nodes start by sending their IDs to each other.)

Every node v with degree(v) ports, labels its ports arbitrarily as 1, 2, …, deg(v).

The forest i is induced by the edges leaving ports i.

Theorem: there is an algorithm that can (delta+1) - color a general graph in O(log* n + delta^2) rounds.

Good for small delta; worst case, runs in O(n^2) (one node connected to every other node)

finish section later

Lower and Upper Bounds

Theorem: there is no deterministic LOCAL algorithm that can 3-color an oriented path using less than 1/2 log * n - 2 rounds.

Note that for this problem, we have matching upper and lower bounds! this is very rare

Finding lower bound is very hard, since we need to prove that all possible algorithms cannot do better. Finding an upper bound only requires discovering better and better algorithms

Digression into random algorithms

With randomness we can potentially achieve much better performance than deterministic algorithms.

The probability of successfully picking a different color is at least 1/3. In expectation, at least n/3 nodes will successfuly finalize their color on the first round. So on average, this runs in O(log n) rounds. Worst case scenario is exceedingly rare.

Week 4