Operating Systems
Week 1
Concepts that will be repeatedly mentioned in the future
Generic Computer Architecture
- CPU: processor for computation
- Registers: fastest storage in computer
- ALU: arithmetic logic unit: does arithmetic computations
- PC/stack pointers
- Instruction register + instruction decode
- I/O devices: terminal, disks, video board, printer, etc.
- Memory: RAM containing data and programs for CPU
Architectural Features Motivated by OS Services
- Protection: kernel, protected instructions, base/limit registers
- Interrupts: interrupt vectors
- System calls: Trap instructions and trap vectors
- I/O: interrupts and memory mapping
- Scheduling, error recovery, accounting: timer
- synchronization: atomic instructions
- Virtual memory: translation look-aside buffers
- kernel mode vs user mode: to protect the system from aberrations, certain instructions restricted for use
- users can’t address I/O directly
- users can’t manipulate state of memory
- can’t set mode bits that determine user/kernel mode ;)
- disable/enable interrupts
- halt machine
- Only kernel mode can do those things
System calls
- privileged instructions
- causes trap, which vectors (jumps) to trap handler in kernel
- uses parameter to jump to appropriate handler
- handler saves caller’s state before executing
- think of system calls as API for the kernel
- examples: fork, waitpid, execve, open, close, read, write
Memory protection
- protect user programs from each other
- protect the OS from user programs
- base and limit registers loaded by OS before running program; these are the bounds of allocated memory for program
- when running program, check each user reference to make sure it falls in between base and limit registers
Programs shouldn’t be able to access memory of other programs
Memory Hierarchy
- higher = small, fast, more costly, lower latency
- lower = large, slow, less expensive, higher latency
- registers: 1 cycle, L1: 2 cycles, L2: 7 cycles, RAM: 100 cycles, DIsk: 40,000,000 cycles, Network: 200 million+ cycles
- Note: cycle is one iteration of CPU; for example, 1 GHz CPU is a billion cycles per second
- L1 and L2 are within each core; often there is a L3 cache on the CPU as well
- when you want to load data:
- look in L1; if isn’t there, go to lower level
- as seen above, getting data takes longer and longer, so important to minimize cache misses
- Why are disks so slow? Physical form of hard storage, distance from CPU
Process Layout in Memory
When a program is running, it becomes a process. The OS creates a region of memory for that process that can’t be touched by other programs.
- Stack
- Gap
- Data
- After running a program, the assembly code is stored at addresses x0000 and up.
- Stack stores function parameters, function calls, serves as temporary storage; grows downward from 0xFFF…
- Data: variables stored by the program
To implement this, there are three special registers: stack pointer, frame pointer, program counter
What if you run multiple programs at once? Current state of registers is saved; context switch
The cache policy decides what units of memory are stored in the caches.
Commonly, entire lines are moved into cache; this is because of spatial locality.
What is spatial locality? Very often we are accessing units of memory close by (like consecutive elements of array)
- Special conditions detected by architecture
- ex: page fault, write to read only, overflow, system call
- After detecting a trap, hardware
- saves state of process
- transfers control to the handling process for trap
- CPU indexes the memory-mapped trap vector with the trap number
- jumps to address given in the vector,
- executes at that address.
- After, resumes execution of process
- Traps are performance optimization; naive solution would be to insert extra instructions where special condition could arise
- Every I/O device has processor to run autonomously
- CPU issues commands to I/O devices
- When I/O device completes command, it issues interrupt
- CPU stops and responds to interrupt (with traps)
- Two methods: synchronous, asynchronous
- Synchronous: while hardware handling command, CPU is stuck waiting
- Asynchronous: CPU can keep on running cycles while hardware handles request
- Memory mapped I/O:
- enables direct access (vs moving I/O code and data into memory)
Week 2
When you run an exe file, OS creates process, or a running program
- OS timeshares CPU across multiple processes: virtualizes CPU
- Number of runnning processes -> number of physical cores
- programs can respond even while CPU is doing other tasks
- OS has scheduler that picks a process to execute
What is a process?
- Unique identifier (PID)
- memory image: code and data (static), stack and heap (dynamic)
- CPU context: registers, program counter, current operands, stack pointer
- File descriptors: pointers to open files and devices: STDOUT, STDIN, STDERR
- often, STDOUT is your screen
State of a process
- Running: currently executing
- Ready: waiting to be scheduled
- Blocked: suspended, not ready to run
- Could be waiting for some event
- Disk will issue an interrupt when data is ready
- New: being created, yet to run
- Dead: terminated
Process state transitions:
- From running to ready: descheduled
- from running to blocked: input/output initiates
- from blocked to running: input/output done
OS data structures
OS maintains a data structure (e.g. a linked list) of all active processes
information about process stored in process control block (PCB)
- Process identifier
- Process state
- pointers to related processes
- CPU context of process (saved while suspended)
- pointers to memory locations
- pointers to open files
In Linux, you can see process information in directory proc/<pid>
Process APIs
- API: Application Programming Interface
- functions available to write user programs
- API provided by OS is set of system calls
Should we rewrite programs for each OS?
- POSIX API: standard set of system calls that OS must implement
- Portable Operating System Interface
- Programs written to POSIX API can run on any POSIX compliant OS
- most OSes are POSIX compliant
- ensures proram portability
- Program language libraries: hide the details of invoking system calls
function in C library calls the write system call to write()
to screen
- User programs usually don’t need to worry about system calls
Process related system calls (UNIX):
creates new child process
- All processes created by forking from a parent
- New process created by copy of parent’s memory image
- new process added to process list, scheduled
- parent and child modify memory independently
- On success, the PID of child process returned to parent
- On failure, no child created, returns -1 to parent
- Which runs first?
- Determined by scheduling policy
- Upon creation of child, it is in ready state
- up to OS to decide which one to run first
- Process termination scenarios
: blocks parent process until child process finishes
- What happens during exec?
- Both parent and child running same code; not very useful!
- Process can run
to load other executable to its memory image
- child can run different program from parent
- in basic OS, init process created after initialization of hardware
- init spawns a shell like
- shell reads user command,
s a child, exec
s the command, wait
s, then reads next command
- common commands like
are executables that are exec
‘ed by shell
int main() {
pid = fork();
if (pid < 0) printf("Error"); // child process failed to be created
else if (pid == 0) printf("this is child process"); // in the child process, fork() returns 0
else printf("this is parent process); // in the parent process, fork() will return PID of child process
Process Execution Mechanism
How are processes executed by CPU?
Function call vs System call
- Function call translates to jump instruction
- new stack frame pushed to stack, stack pointer updated
- old value of PC saved
- in user memory space
How is system call different?
- CPU has multiple privilege levels
- Kernel does not trust user stack; uses separate kernel stack
- kernel does not trust user provided addresses to jump to
- sets up interrupt descriptor table (IDT) at boot time
- IDT has addresses of kernel functions for system calls and other events
Mechanism of system call
Trap instructions
- usually hidden from user
- Execution:
- move CPU to higher privilege level
- switch to kernel stack
- save context on kernel stack (so know where to return)
- look up address in IDT and jump to trap handler
- IDT has many addresses, which to use?
- System calls/interrupts store number in CPU register before calling trap, to identify which entry to use
Return from trap
- when OS done handling syscall or interrupt, calls special instruction: return from trap
- restore context of CPU
- change privilege back to user mode
- User process unaware of being suspended
Possible for CPU to not return to same process
- sometimes impossible to return: process has exited, segfault, blocking system call
- sometimes OS does not want to return back: runtime is too long, must timeshare CPU
- OS performs context switch to switch to another process
OS Scheduler
How the OS decides what processes to run at any time
Two types of schedulers: non preemptive, preemptive
- non preemptive schedules switch only if blocked or terminated process
- preemptive schedulers can switch even when process is ready to continue
Example of context switch:
Scheduling Policies
What are we trying to optimize?
- maximize utilization: fraction of time that CPU is used
- minimize average turnaround time: time between arrival and completion of process
- minimize average response time: time between arrival and first scheduling
- fairness: all processes must be treated equally
- minimize overhead: run process long enough to amortize cost of context switch
- FIFO: first in first out (queue)
- issue: convoy effect, high turnaround time
- SJF: shortest job first
- optimal when all processes arrive together
- non preemptive; short jobs can still be stuck behind long ones if they arrive later
- STCF: shortest time to completion first
- preemptive scheduler
- preempts running task if time left is more than than that of new arrival
- Round Robin
- every process executes for fixed quantum slice
- slices large enough to amortize cost of context switch
- preemptive
- good in response time and fairness
- bad turnaround time
- Real schedulres are more complex
- Multi level feedback queue:
- many queues with different priority
- process from highest priority queue scheduled first
- within same priority, any algorithm like RR
- priority of process decays with age; job in top queue can get switched to lower queue
Week 4
Virtual Memory
Why virtualize memory?
- real memory is messy
- multiple active processes timeshare CPU
- memory of many processes must be in memory
- Hide complexity from user
Virtual address space:
- every process assumes it has access to memory from 0 to MAX
- program code, heap (grows positively), stack (grows negatively)
- CPU issues loads and stores to virtual addresses
How to translate between real and virtual memory addresses?
Memory management unit
- OS divides virtual address space into fixed size pages
- pages mapped to physical frames
- page table stores mappings from virtual to physical
- MMU has access to page table and uses it to translate
- Context switch: CPU gives MMU pointer to new page table
Design Goals
- Transparency: hide details from user
- Efficiency: minimize overhead and wastage in memory and time
- isolation, projection: user processes should not be able to access outside address space
Memory Allocation
- Malloc (C library)
- heap: libc uses brk/sbrk system call
- can also allocate page sized memory using mmap()
Mechanism of Address Translation
Base and bound registers
- place entire memory image in one chunk
- physical address = virtual address + base
typical size of page table
Demand Paging
Not neccessary for pages of active processes to always be in main memory;
OS uses part of disk (swap space) to store pages not in active use
Page fault
- Present bit: indicates if page in memory or not
- MMU reads present bit; if page present, directly access, if not, page fault
Page fault handling
- CPU to kernel mode
- OS fetches disk address of page, issues read to disk
- OS context switches to other process
- when read complete, OS updates page table, marks it as ready
- when process scheduled again, OS restarts instruction that caused page fault
- CPU issues load instruction to virtual address for code or data
- check CPU cache first; go to main memory in case of cache miss
- caches return raw data (no address associated)
- MMU looks up translation lookaside buffer for virtual address
- if TLB hit, obtain physical address, fetch memory location and return to CPU
- if TLB miss, MMU accesses memory, walks page table, obtains page table entry
- if present bit in PTE, access memory
- if not present but valid, page fault
- if invalid, trap to OS for illegal access
How does TLB work?
- cache of frequently requested pages by the process
- each entry is unique to that process
- same virtual addresses for two different processes map to different physical addresses
- must be cleared out whenever switching to new process
- What does this imply?
- frequent context switches reduce TLB hit rate
More in page faulting
- when servicing page fault, what if OS finds there is no free page to swap in faulting page?
- Inefficient to swap out existing and then swap in faulting page
- OS proactively swap out pages to keep list of free pages
- Page replacement policy
Page replacement policy
- optimal: replace page not needed for longest time in future (but OS doesn’t know that)
- not good because popular pages get swapped in and out over and over
- LRU: not frequently used in past will be swapped out
- works well due to locality of references
Week 5
Demand paging comtinued
OS guesses in advance which page to move back to memory
- Very hard to do because of dynamic branching (CPU doesn’t know beforehand whether to jump or not)
What happens when page removed from memory?
- if page contained code, simply remove; you can reload it from disk
- if page contained data, save the data so it can be reloaded if referred to again
- for pages containing stack and heap data, must copy it over
At any given time, page of virtual memory can exist in one or more of
- file system
- physical memory
- swap space
Locality of reference:
- Temporal locality: items tend to be referenced again (while loop)
- Spatial locality: memory close together tends to be referenced (e.g. iterating through array)
This is why demand paging can work!
Let p be probability of page fault
- access time (1-p) x ma + p x page fault time
- if memory access is 200 ns and page fault takes 25 ms
- assuming p is very small, we have ma + p x page fault time
Transparent page faults
- Suppose we have instruction mov a, (r10)+;
- if a isn’t in memory, page fault triggered and r10 incremented
- but when instruction restarted, r10 is wrongly incremented again! this is a side effect
- other examples: block transfer instructions where source and destination overlap
LRU Policy
Works well because of locality of references
All implementations and approximations require hardware assistance
Possible implementations:
- timestamp for each page with time of last access; throw out LRU page
- problems: OS must record timestamp for each memory access, and need to look through all pages to find LRU
- O(N)
- Keep list of pages; front is most recently used, end is least recently used
- on page access, move page to front of list, doubly linked list
- still too expensive; OS must modify multiple pointers on each memory access
- O(1) though!
These implementations are perfect; we can try to find approximation that is less expensive
Second Chance Policy
Essentially, pages can have one of two age values: 0 or 1
- when a page is retrieved, set age to 0
- during page fault, iterate through pages:
- if page has age 0, set age to 1
- if page has age 1, swap it out and stop iterating
- Benefits: low space overhead (1 bit!), less time overhead (worst case is still the same)
- Have to implement some structure to hold the pages (linked list)
Enhanced Second Chance
- hardware keeps a modify bit (in addition to reference bit)
- 1: page has been modified
- 0: page is same as copy on disk
- If page is unmodified, no need to rewrite it on disk
- (r,m)
- 0,0: replace!
- 0,1: not as good for replacement
- 1,0: likely used again soon, OS won’t need to write it though
- 1,1: will be used again soon and must be written out
- page algorithm:
- (0,0): replace the page
- (0,1): initiate I/O to write out page, lock page in memory until I/O completes, and then continue
- pages with reference bit 1 have it set to zero
- hand goes completely around once: wasn’t any (0,0) page
- on second pass, some pages might now be (0,0)
- there must exist (0,0) page on third pass
Inter Process Communication
Shared memory:
- processes can both access same region of memory via shmget() system call
- certain set of signals supported by OS
- for example: ctrl C sends SIGINT signal to running process
- signal handler: every process as default code to execute for each signal
- some handlers can be overridden to do other things
- Can’t send very much data
- sockets used for two processes on same or different machines to communicate
- TCP/UDP sockets across machines
- Unix sockets in local machine
- Communicating with sockets:
- processes open sockets and connect them to each other
- Messages written into socket can be read from other process
- OS transfers data across socket buffers
Message Queues
- mailbox abstraction
- process can open mailbox at specified location
- processes can send/receive messages from mailbox
Blocking vs non-blocking communication
- some IPC actions can block
- reading from socket with no data, or empty message queue
- writing to full socket/message queue
- system calls have versions that block or return with error code
Multiprogramming and Thrashing
Week 7?
Threads and Concurrency
So far we have looked at single threaded programs
What’s a thread?
- Another copy of a process that executes independently
- shares the same address space
- compare to fork(): child processes have a new memory image
- each thread has separate PC, can run over different part of program
- separate stacks for independent function calls
Process vs threads
- Parent P forks child C
- P and C share no memory
- need IPC to communicate
- extra copies of data and code in memory
- Parent P executes two threads T1, T2
- T1 and T2 share parts of address space
- global variables used for communication
- smaller memory footprint
- threads are like separate processes, but on same address space
Parallelism: single process can effectively utilize multiple CPU cores
- If you have cores C1, C2, and process has threads T1, T2, both threads executing at same time on separate cores
Concurrency: running multiple threads/processes at same time, even on single CPU core, by interleaving execution
Question: if there is no parallelism in system, is concurrency still useful?
- even without parallelism, concurrency of threads ensures effective use of CPU when one thread blocks
Scheduling Threads
- OS schedules ready threads, much like processes
- Context of thread (PC, registers) saved from thread control block (TCB)
- Each PCB has one or more TCBs
- Threads scheduled independently by kernel are kernel threads
- some libraries provide user-level threads
- user program sees 3 threads, there are fewer kernel threads
- user level threads have low overhead
Race Conditions
Week 8?
Consider update of variable shared between threads
- Special lock variable
lock_t mutex
and unlock()
functions surround critical section
- Said section must be executed by first thread that reaches it
- Other threads are blocked from proceeding until lock is released
- Pthreads library
Goals of lock implementation
- mutual exclusion
- fairness: all threads should eventually get lock
- low overhead: acquiring releasing and waiting for lock shouldn’t consume many resources
Condition Variable:
- Queue that thread can put itself into when waiting on some condition
- Another thread that makes condition true